Is it bad that I enjoy sitting in my room alone?
Our culture is so extrovert-based that I actually feel guilty for not going out on a Saturday night. Well, I feel guilty for not "acting my age" in an odd sort of sense. I act like I am simultaneously a 30 year old woman and a 10 year old boy.
This is probably going to be rather incoherent because that is my mind's current state, but please bear with me.
There is a difference between being alone and being lonely.
When I am alone I feel at peace. I can focus on me, which is something I struggle to do when I am around others.
I find myself being lonely less. I just want to be alone. It isn't a sign of something wrong with me.
These comics are so accurate.
I had an interesting thought the other day. Is one human life worth more than another?
If you had asked me this question a year ago then I wouldn't have hesitated to say that every human life is equal, but lately I've found my opinion shifting slightly.
I think that the main thing that makes a human life worth more is if he or she lives life with passion. The more intensely life is lived, the more it is worth.
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I'm really proud of making those stars.
You're never too old to make a fort out of pillows and sheets.