
This is a combination of random thoughts, essays, and autocorrect poetry.

Basically, I hit random letters on my iPhone and sometimes by chance I find surprisingly poetic lines like:

Width wiser splatter
Wounded rising
Sequined absinthe against sepia

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

An Interesting Question

This question came up with some of my friends: what is more important in a song the lyrics or the melody? It was fascinating to hear the different answers. I ask the question because I can't really decide myself. For me, listening to a song the first time is like meeting a new person. The melody is like that first impression. It gives you a certain feeling through its sound and rhythm. Then you get to know the song better, learning the lyrics and figuring out what they mean to you and how they connect with your life, hence making the song your "friend" in a sense. Being a singer and a lover of words I'm naturally more drawn to the lyrics. But then again, the melody is what catches me. I wouldn't want to get to know the song without a good melody. So I guess it is the difference between me loving a song and just liking a song is the lyrics. If I love the lyrics then I can fully love the song. I hope you ponder this question for yourself. It really is interesting to think about.

Not many people I know really enjoy Los Campesinos, but I do. It took me a while to get used to the lead singer's voice, but they have some of my favorite lyrics of any band. 

Here are the lyrics to "We Are Beautiful, We Are Doomed" (favorite lines in bold):
You can listen to the song here

By the light of the LED display of a VCR recorder
You kiss my neck, I whisper in your ear, "this is my downfall"
As you squint and you grimace, we both know your heart's not in it

By the glow of a thousand fireflies in a travelodge en-suite:
They think the future's bright as halogen, we know it's pretty bleak
And I'm trying to be sexy, biting at the air that falls in front of me.

Your telegrams are more and more less detailed by the day
And all the characters are strangers and the pubs have different names
I tell a joke that I'd like to meet them but they loathe me and I hate them back

Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Fondness makes the absence longer

Length loses my interest, I'm a realist, I'm insatiable
Swapped counting days until I fly, with hours before your reply


You said he got his teeth fixed
I'm gonna break them
I've got a heart on fire
He said he's got his sights set
On getting to you
I've got a fist on fire

You feel terrified at the thought of being left behind
Of losing everybody, the necessity of dying

I'm just practising my accents, picking at old sutures

I taught myself the only way to vaguely get along in love
Is to like the other slightly less than you get in return

I keep feeling like I'm being undercut

Charlotte says, "It's more constructive than the one in Canada,
When you got drunk, 
Ate loads of crisps
And threw up by a football pitch"
I know it is, 
And really that's what worries me,
I feel like I should 


I cannot emphasise enough that my body 
Is a badly designed, poorly put together vessel,
Harbouring these diminishing, so-called 'vital organs'
Hope my heart goes first, 

We are beautiful, 
We are doomed.

How too Get Peple two Read Yur Blogg

Friday, May 17, 2013


This is another, more personal essay about something most people don't know about me. Click here to read it.


Hahaha gizoogle.net provides endless entertainment. Kyle, I love you for showing me this.

Turtle Essay

This essay is rather cheesy and about love and all that nonsense. Click here to read it.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

A sonnet I wrote for english (God I hate fixed form...)

Mark not my love by simple words I say
Nor thee compare me to thy lovers passed
The language love creates is hushed away
A look, a glance, a lingering touch lasts
Because to say “I love you” seems untrue
Such words are empty, overused, and trite
A silence warms thy heart, thy voice subdued
Such comfort lying arm in arm tonight
Yet if thou love me I would rather know
I need thy lovely words to clarify
But words alone are vacant, even so
Thy ears must understand as well as eyes
Though words may caress me, thy tongue can slip
Thy body speaks much louder than thy lips

A poem I actually wrote! (not autocorrect poetry)

I Want to Write the Truth
By: Julia Stone

I want to write the truth
Words upon words of reality
Listen to me

Do you dream with your eyes open?
Or eyes closed?
Reality awakens us
The cold chill of water in our faces
Shivering, we stumble
Our dreams dampened

The twisted life of an adolescent
Pulled this way
Then another
Never certain
Never sure

I want to write the truth
Words upon words of reality
Who are we really?
Where are we going?

Like sheep
We form herds
Lead us, we plead
But who is our shepherd?

Conditioned to act this way
Just lost sheep
We are flawed
We are flawed

Puzzle pieces never quite fitting
Turn it this way
Then another
Never certain
Never sure

Do they know me
Or do they only know my name
Etched upon us like name tags
Reputations stick

We must hurt
To know happiness
We must be happy
To know hurt

But what madness is this thing called life?
That takes me by the hand
Then stabs me in the back
Only to pick me up again

Can’t sleep
Only thoughts
Can’t speak

It’s never for nothing he said to me
No one is immune to his own scrutiny

At the close
It all unfolds
Will we know then
What we do not know now?

I want to write the truth    
Words upon words of reality

Irish skip oaks suffer peaceful deposed 
beehives louder that hung huff 
if credo crawled

Long opencast hook 
indebted hast claimed losing 
signage surmounting sliders 
page byes splash images

Lifetime older than gunfire
a lost kid mine youths hose 
spliff phrased desks 
index keys is kent

Busty unity 
suffer muffin
our tip hears juiced picked grub
hyping yogi joys sedan

(Haahaa. This one makes me laugh.)

Once under uplifted cartooned kip 
beckon feet us trio 
jive hectic 
sexy on fear

Unfurl thou very weary brew
hosting days olds hatches 
once dealing indebted 
mollify midst mug secret

Obsequious satin with watered abodes 
sugary oaths jaunt owl 
by obeisance so obey

Revved calm legs segues dwarfing images 
why what auxiliary wigs Jesus is

Gray landing
sifting songs
quiet ice oranges sleds
blessed bleeding inquiry

Obsess just observe

but jetting jolts patch jagged sudden swings

Bye vast hopes 
kaftan whose hard suchlike obstruction usher bundles jay chopped
Unchanged pangs aid the haywire paved songs 
jargon auberges

Posing greedily
harsh and bared airs 
orbiting pagan oasis soundly

Grab its edge 
once inactive hatches remain
Socratic sit 
win song sip 
aloft tilted

He houses unrevised folks 
jaunty hands along pangs 
anger Albany fugal jagged auras

Life didn't confirm the judging joy abyss 
just skin haughtily sits suffusing 
year vaunted away

Sight maiden 
making paths patted 
I enter songs eight shyer
heel our herb heckles 
the bashes juried politely young laughs

Songs grey g'day 
why the reins 
leave the busting hereditary pigskin hydro hall
Manage win own wind 
already naive 
onward hatred bushed begging sir 
he bent malice
Lost balderdash baitfish 
watch yet if get pathetic 
nay alone alter shudder
Yet sodbusters may sides did 
owned old angel soft 
she sifts sought digs 
laying pan raids wrists just bright
Wondering on sugar winds 
venting grayish rings 
joyous heart
Outdone haft sights 
vapors vary father 
if hast fused cut I haft aide
Then parses only faint once 
bused by blocked shuffle 
why eye rhymed

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Oh reversal is brusque 
jagged so surged
laughers parting 
surer thighs 
pure buried wife

Giddy hooks 
oh wings sit cloned 
skydives dived soberly suede 
with why tiers hath still wakened
You Lilly mind hardcore Jill Khufu fix jug used chip

(That sounds like a kickass insult.)

Hush shy chia ploy
see I phrase jags joined braids ills and business
(Read that in a black person voice. That's what I just did. And no I'm not a racist...)
She groused regurgitated thugs gargling Seth eggs

(hahaha this one just seems gross and inappropriate)
Gray physics crying drunk off fire
Sons hush while dialogue sodbusters dig whole shifts subsumed in copper
Figure, eh?
windows know sins

(this poem turned out surprisingly Canadian)

My 7 Page Essay on Poop


Words With Friends

But...why not?

Absinthe Illustration

Illustrated by the lovely Camille Mullins-Lemieux
(See more of her art at http://sliverofamoment.blogspot.com/)

Short Acapella songs I made on Loopy (an iPod app)

Make Me Smile

Sunshine On My Shoulders

Take Me Away

Lapsing winter sleuth 
Dante's wishing and diluted disorder 
wine stents sugars slaps elder sight
Downside theirs wore legged sighs 
laughter either or either
Poor pledges plight 
use so sojourn suede 
skulking skydives wye byes and woodcuts
Wishing suggest us she pays dodgers 
waited woodcraft 
wise daughter paints lush crab mosques
Allah aid me 
spur down wine 
lapsing imager piers 
skis have shifted
Pushes albeit 
slaps eighth peppery 
fight for spatter kale 
also for again soya shin
Hurdle south tainted stout youth 
disgust sight and soon oust witty woodland
Normal floats 
goth bent upset 
and I die airborne slave down and pagan
Lagoons slush 
sons soft feckless slain their ways 
make jay fair Abigail 
he who dialogs sips 
obey unison maker
Unsure asiago alpine sits stirring wines
paint list dosing valid bliss 
blossom blood up don laggard
Forever field 
I lay asks quota 
of sons sobs 
of skiable Wigan Alpharetta
Wolfing soaping surge 
can't spine licenses 
wings wooded sprig 
slaughter laughs and oddness
Just island laggard jay fuel rejoices 
sighs I sky half the sounds splints